"If you cannot see where you are going, ask someone who has been there before." — J Loren Norris
Our Platinum Family has created an amazing program designed to connect new Surrogates to women who have travelled the road before them. We are a Mentoring Program focused on paying it forward for the IPs and Surrogates that follow us. The Surrogacy community is built on the backs of those before us. Back when Surrogacy was not allowed in Canada, to when the pioneer Surrogate stood in front of Parliament hill and
worked with legislators to allow altruistic gestational Surrogacy in Canada. Since that day, we have been a community that has supported one another as we went through the process of Gestational Surrogacy.
There eventually comes a time for every woman and every Surrogate when we feel our bodies or our hearts have decided that another pregnancy is not in the cards for us, but at the same time, we aren’t quite done with the ‘Surrogacy Experience’ and the ‘Surrogacy Community’. But if we can’t carry anymore, what can we do? How can we still help grow families? After having spent many years devoted to Surrogacy, it can be very difficult to just walk away.
Sadly, all too often, we see women that have made the decision to no longer carry and become ‘retired’ from Surrogacy, be tossed aside as they are not actively ‘contributing to the agency or community’ they worked with anymore. This is where our Platinum Family is very different. Experience is incredibly valuable and we can all learn and grow from the varying experiences of women of all ages and races that have carried a baby for another family then her own. There are never two journeys that are exactly alike, not even with the same Surrogate, and because of this, we are never done learning and growing!
Choosing to become a Surrogate can be very scary and intimidating, especially for the first time. Having someone to mentor and guide us or take us under their wing can often make the difference between choosing to begin a Surrogacy adventure or not. With so many couples struggling with Infertility, so many couples forced to travel abroad for Surrogacy because of laws in their home countries, for same sex couples needing a Surrogate to have children, or for a single Intended Parent that dreamed of parenthood for their entire lives, those decisions would be life changing.
We would love to discuss the details of our Mentor Program and how we give back to our Mentors that choose to ‘pay their experience’ forward.
Contact us today to set up a call with one of our Owners to see if our Mentor Program would be
right for you!! We value and respect your experience.
“When Women Support Each other, Incredible Things Happen- Author Unknown
“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” — Oprah Winfrey.
Our Platinum Family has created an amazing program designed to connect new Surrogates to women who have travelled the road before them. We are a Mentoring Program focused on paying it forward for the IPs and Surrogates that follow us. The Surrogacy community is built on the backs of those before us. Back when Surrogacy was not allowed in Canada, to when the pioneer Surrogate stood in front of Parliament hill and
worked with legislators to allow altruistic gestational Surrogacy in Canada. Since that day, we have been a community that has supported one another as we went through the process of Gestational Surrogacy.
There eventually comes a time for every woman and every Surrogate when we feel our bodies or our hearts have decided that another pregnancy is not in the cards for us, but at the same time, we aren’t quite done with the ‘Surrogacy Experience’ and the ‘Surrogacy Community’. But if we can’t carry anymore, what can we do? How can we still help grow families? After having spent many years devoted to Surrogacy, it can be very difficult to just walk away.
Sadly, all too often, we see women that have made the decision to no longer carry and become ‘retired’ from Surrogacy, be tossed aside as they are not actively ‘contributing to the agency or community’ they worked with anymore. This is where our Platinum Family is very different. Experience is incredibly valuable and we can all learn and grow from the varying experiences of women of all ages and races that have carried a baby for another family then her own. There are never two journeys that are exactly alike, not even with the same Surrogate, and because of this, we are never done learning and growing!
Choosing to become a Surrogate can be very scary and intimidating, especially for the first time. Having someone to mentor and guide us or take us under their wing can often make the difference between choosing to begin a Surrogacy adventure or not. With so many couples struggling with Infertility, so many couples forced to travel abroad for Surrogacy because of laws in their home countries, for same sex couples needing a Surrogate to have children, or for a single Intended Parent that dreamed of parenthood for their entire lives, those decisions would be life changing.
We would love to discuss the details of our Mentor Program and how we give back to our Mentors that choose to ‘pay their experience’ forward.
Contact us today to set up a call with one of our Owners to see if our Mentor Program would be
right for you!! We value and respect your experience.
“When Women Support Each other, Incredible Things Happen- Author Unknown
“A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.” — Oprah Winfrey.